Submental fullness, more commonly known as a “double chin,” is similar to that annoying cousin that you see at your family gathering every year. No matter what you try to do; you can’t seem to get rid of him. Like your cousin, the fat that creates a double chin is a part of your DNA, and up until now you had to deal with it because you didn’t have a choice. We don’t have a remedy for that cousin of yours, but we do have one for your double chin.
The name of the solution is KYBELLA®, and Dr. Wooming has the best KYBELLA® Dallas has to offer for patients that qualify. KYBELLA® is the only FDA approved, non-surgical injectable treatment for submental fullness. The injection contains a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid, which is a naturally occurring enzyme in the body that metabolizes fat cells. After it is injected into the desired area, the keoxycholic (synthetic deoxycholic) will destroy those unwanted fat cells. Upon their destruction, those cells will not be able to collect more fat or store fat in that area ever again, thus additional treatment is not required after the final aesthetics are achieved.
Your dermatologist for KYBELLA® Dallas, Dr. George Wooming, is a trained professional with steady hands who will administer the treatment effectively and safely. He will also determine the amount of sessions and frequency of those sessions dependent on the patient’s aesthetic goals and personal health factors.
The amount of time required before you see a significant reduction of the chin will depend on the specific genetic factors of each individual. However, the majority of patients undergo two to four surgeries before they claim a visible change is present and six treatments total until they reached their desired goal.
If you want to make a concrete change in your confidence, then contact Knox Dermatology today for the best KYBELLA® Dallas has to offer. Dr. Wooming will invest his expertise in you if you invest your trust in him and his staff. Together, this union will ensure that at least one of your annoyances will be taken care of by the time that next family gathering rolls around.