Sweet summertime has arrived. For your Dallas skin specialist and many others, this means spending time outside on the patio presiding over our grills, playing at the pool or participating in virtually any other outdoor activity that the weather will allow us. In short, this is the time of the year when we are exposed to the sun the most. UV radiation is emitted from the sun as well as indoor tanning beds.
Overexposure to this type of radiation is the leading cause of aging skin, aging itself being the only other cause to compete. Most of us are seeking ways to look more youthful and vibrant, not older. Thankfully, there are preventative measures that you can employ to evade overexposure, such as seeking shade, wearing protective clothing, and most importantly, applying broad-spectrum sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 30 or more. Now that we’ve equipped you with essentials in skin protection, lets cover signs of skin aging.
One of the most obvious skin aging signs are wrinkles. What’s not so obvious is the fact that wrinkles can appear on any person of any age and can manifest anywhere on the body, although, they are most commonly found on the face and neck. One of the tricky things about wrinkles is that they aren’t always the result of aging skin. Wrinkle development can derive from further factors such as genetics or frequent indoor tanning use.
Another sign is age spots, which are typically brown in color and flat in shape. They can surface on the face, back, chest, backs of the hands and tops of the feet. Medical research has determined that these solar markings are cause by; you guessed it, UV radiation from the sun. If sunscreen and shade aren’t shielding you from skin aging symptoms, then it’s time to defer to your Dallas skin specialist.
Confer with your dermatologist about over-the-counter products and cosmetic procedures available to treat the skin for aging. Tretinoin is a vitamin A based topical cream that can treat fine facial wrinkles and is FDA approved. Another vitamin A based ingredient is retinol, which is found in many anti-aging products. No matter the product, your Dallas skin specialist recommends you do the following:
- Wear sunscreen every day.
- Do not tan.
- Utilize moisturizers.
- Follow directions for prescribed medications.
- Stop using products that sting or burn.
- Limit the amount of products you use.
- Be patient with the product prescribed to you.
Aging is inevitable, that much we know. However, it doesn’t have to be immediate. If you feel like prescription medications may be necessary to combat your skin’s aging, then secure a session with your Dallas skin specialist, Dr. Wooming, today.