Do you suffer from acne on your face, neck, upper arms, shoulders, or back? Acne is the most common skin condition in the United States and annually affects up to 50 million people each year. Acne is not only identified by the itchy red pimples that appear on the areas of the body mentioned above during puberty for an adolescent teenager, but also in the forms of blackheads, whiteheads, nodules, and cysts that can affect any person in any age range. Different factors may be responsible for acne that include but are not limited to: hereditary reasons, hormones, stress, and overactive oil glands that clog pores. Bacteria on the surface of the skin are usually the primary source from which various forms of acne derive. Due to its prevalence, acne is a bit of a double edged sword in that it can cause physical and psychological problems in permanent scarring or poor self-image. Because it is so commonplace, it has been heavily researched, especially by Dr. Wooming, your Dallas dermatologist, which has resulted in treatment and prevention plans for those affected by acne.
There are several methods and guidelines for acne treatment. One of the most important rules is remembering that scrubbing harder while washing, scratching, or popping acne will only cause the affected area to become more irritated than it already is. Using products such as toners, exfoliants, and astringents should be avoided and replaced with oil-free cosmetics, lotions, and other toiletries. There are many variations of treatment depending on the severity and type of acne you have. Dr. Wooming, your Dallas dermatologist, can determine which treatments are best suited for you. Always use medications and products as instructed with patience as medications may take several weeks to complete their course. Acne affects every individual independently so it is imperative to contact your Dallas dermatologist for a proper diagnosis and prevention strategy in order to keep your skin as clean and healthy as possible.